1. 请于体检八小时前开始禁食(可饮用少量开水) 。抽血化验完成后会提供轻盈小食。
Please be in a fasting state (i.e. NO food or drinks – except a little water) 8 hours before attending the medical centre. Light refreshment will be provided after blood taking.
2. 请带大便样本供化验用(如有需要)。
Please bring stool specimen to the clinic for laboratory use (if required).
3. 请穿着轻便服饰,以便在进行检查时(如: X光胸片检验、心电图、抽取血液样本等) 容易更换上衣。
Please wear comfortable clothing in order to ease removal during certain investigations / tests, e.g. Chest x-ray, ECG, taking of blood and etc.
4. 妇女在进行柏氏细胞检查前: Women taking the pap test should:
i. 请避免在检查一星期前使用阴道内之药物。
Avoid vaginal tablet for 1 week before the Health Check-up.
ii. 请于检查前一天避免进行阴道灌洗及性行为。
Avoid vaginal douching and sexual intercourse 1 day before the Health Check Up.
iii. 请避免于月经周期期间预约检查。
Avoid booking an appointment, which will fall during the menstruation period.
iv. 若月经来潮,请更改预约日期。柏氏细胞检查只可于来经前四日或经期完结七日后进行。
The appointment should be changed if menstruating. The pap smear test can only be conducted 4 days before and 7 days after menstruation.
5. 怀孕妇女及怀疑妊娠者,不宜进行X-光检查。
Women who are pregnant or suspected to be pregnant are not suitable to take X-Ray examination.
6. 请带同经常服用的药物。
Please bring along medication taken regularly.
7. 如在近期曾接受任何医学检查,请于约见医生时带同检查报告以供比较。
If you have recently taken any diagnostic examination, please bring along the report(s) to the clinic for comparison.